Charles H. Brower and Associates, A Law Corporation
Experienced Attorneys Serving Honolulu And Hawaii

Premises-Liability Cases: Holding People Accountable

Many personal injury attorneys avoid handling slip-and-fall cases for many reasons. It is often difficult to prove that the property owner or a supermarket, hotel or restaurant was at fault when a patron or visitor is hurt.

Slip-and-fall injuries are often so-called “minor” fractures or “soft-tissue” injuries (such as ankle injuries or back and neck injuries). Injuries such as these are also notoriously challenging to get adequate compensation for clients. Charles H. Brower and Associates, A Law Corporation, in Honolulu, often takes on these difficult cases, including premises liability cases that other lawyers turn down.

Success With Slip-And-Fall Cases

Years of experience, a knack for developing promising theories of negligence and proven ability to apply laws to facts are all reasons for the law firm’s success on behalf of many slip-and-fall injury victims.

Charles H. Brower and Associates, A Law Corporation, in Honolulu, Hawaii, welcome the opportunity to evaluate your premises liability claim. Whether you suffered a fracture when you fell on a cracked sidewalk or slipped on a wet surface, contact the law firm to schedule a consultation.

Examples Of Premises Liability Cases

If you have experienced any of the following types of accidental injuries, you are strongly encouraged to contact a premises liability attorney sooner rather than later.

  • Fallen down defective stairways or steps that were poorly lit at a hotel or in a rental property
  • Fallen on a slippery surface such as a recently cleaned walkway
  • Been injured when getting on or off a tour boat
  • Tripped and fallen on a cracked sidewalk or a too-narrow walkway on public or private property

State building codes exist for a reason. When a property owner or contractor is negligent and fails to build to code or maintain sidewalks properly, premises liability laws provide a means for injury victims to be compensated.

Contact Us Today

At Charles H. Brower and Associates, A Law Corporation, we welcome the opportunity to evaluate your case and advise you as to how best to pursue the compensation that you need and deserve. Call 808-526-2688 or email the law firm to schedule a consultation.